Sunday, September 17, 2017

Useful websites

I found a couple of resources that might be useful in your classroom.


"What is it that technology actually helps teachers and students to do?"

       The topic that I decided to discuss in this blog post is “What is it that technology actually helps teachers and students to do?" this is not a question that we should take lightly, it is an important issue.  When I decided to write about technology in the classroom I vacillated as to the direction I want to take the inquiry of "What is it that technology actually helps teachers and students to do?" I paused briefly at the thought of naming all the problems associated with technology and the trials and that are related to moving into a constantly changing sea of technological innovations and advancements. Well, then, I thought why not be positive and talk about specific ways that teachers and students use technology in the classroom. I decided not to discuss the shortcomings of technology in education rather the ways that technology enhances the educational experience. With that being said, there are some challenges to technology integration that need to be discussed.
       There are many ways technology is used in the classroom. However, the use of technology can be impacted by the income level of the students, their families and the communities at large. A Pew Research study found that "Teachers of the lowest income students experience the impact of digital tools in the learning environment differently than teachers whose students are from more affluent households"(Purcell et.el.) What does this mean? Higher income schools have more or better technology, offer more technology training for their teachers and have more lenient internet filters. While lower-income communities are more likely to lack resources, teacher training and have more stringent internet filter settings that can interfere with internet use. Having modern and up to date technology is important. Pew Research noted that "Increasingly Students see a disconnect between the tools they use to learn and the tools they use to live and operate in modern life. (Herrington, 608) Thus, technology is important in classrooms because it makes content more relevant and interesting to students by using the tools, and technology they use in everyday life. A video, a game or an animated instruction on a difficult topic can make all the difference in student learning. Technology can be used in many different ways in a classroom allowing students to engage content in deeper and more meaningful manner than with traditional methods of instruction. Students can research topics. Download and submit assignments work collaboratively on blogs or participate in online discussions.
      Technology can be used to breach the time constraints of the traditional school day.  Teachers can use technology to post both class and school reminders. Post test-reviews, finish class discussions that may have been cut short or otherwise communicate with students and parents. Blogs can be used to help students with their content knowledge and writing. Teachers can either use a class blog that the whole class contributes to on a rotating basis or each student can have their own blog with regular writing assignments. The use of technology in the classroom is just beginning to emerge, and we need teachers who will embrace the technology, move it forward and into our classrooms and our student's lives. 

Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbriet-Leftwich, A. T., Sadik, O., Sendurur, E., Sendurur, P., (2012). Teachers Beliefs and technology integration practices: A critical Relationship. Computers and Education, 59, 423-435

Herrington, J., and Parker, J., (2013) Emerging Technologies as Cognitive tools for Authentic Learning British Journal of Educational Technology 44(4), 607-615.

Purcell, K., Heaps, A., Buchanan, J., Friedrich, L. (February 28, 2013). How Teachers are using Technology at Home and in their Classrooms.  Retrieved from